“Lord, teach us to pray.” (Luke 11:1)
My latest passion project is finally here. Dear Heavenly Father: A Guide to Prayer and Praying with Our Children is now available for FREE to all of my newsletter subscribers!

Prayer is vital to building an abiding relationship with our Father God, so I’m thrilled to be able to offer you this valuable resource. It answers so many questions about prayer that I had as a new mom wanting to pray with and explain prayer to her children:
- What is prayer?
- Why should we pray, and why should we pray with our children?
- How does prayer work?
- How does God speak to us?
- How do we know it’s God speaking and not ourselves or Satan?
- When should we pray?
- What does prayer look like in real life?
- How do we pray with our children and teach them to pray?
With practice, prayer has become one of the most important parts of my day, and I hope it will become so for you and your children. Our Heavenly Father wants to hear from you and your family!
To receive a printable PDF copy of this prayer guide, simply sign up below by subscribing with your name and email. It’s my way of saying, “THANK YOU!” for tuning in to my blog and taking the time to connect.
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What you’ll receive:
Dear Heavenly Father: A Guide to Prayer and Praying with Our Children is packed with 40+ pages of resources and biblically based teaching on prayer and how to pray with our children. You’ll also get:
- 4 scripture printables
- 2 bedtime and everyday prayers pages
- A variety of prayer formats
- A guide to praying the Lord’s Prayer
- A Praise Word Alphabet that can be completed with your family
- Family prayer journaling pages
- Personal prayer journaling pages
- Intercessory prayer journaling pages
- Lots of tips and practical experience from one praying parent to another
Children of God, are you spending time talking with Him and listening for His voice? If not, there is no condemnation here nor with Jesus. In a few seasons of my life, I neglected prayer, regretfully, and I know how far away and removed God can seem. I want to reassure you that He isn’t, that He is always near to you and hears you, that He cares more deeply for you and your children than you could ever imagine (Lamentations 3:22-23, Joshua 1:9, John 3:16, Romans 8:35-39, Ephesians 2:4-5 and 3:17-21).
I so want to encourage you to begin praying with intention and with your family. It is never too late, and—while cliché but oh so true—you have everything to gain and nothing to lose, except perhaps any unhealthy thoughts or expectations, any worries, any sin that might be weighing you down and keeping you from hearing Him clearly.
Take heart, beloved of God, and run to Him.
We all are human but also have an eternal spirit that needs looking after just as well as our earthly bodies do. Let’s allow God in today and let Him work. Then, share some time in prayer with our children because they, too, need Him always.
Dear Heavenly Father, just as the disciples asked our Lord Jesus,please teach us to pray. Through Your blessed name, Amen.